What is a Safety Public Address System?
These products are Long Range Acoustic Hailing Devices for Safety Public Address. Eltem's unique and innovative technology allows clear announcement and warning broadcast to be transmitted to long distances (1km) for traffic control and accident prevention in highway construction and accident areas. There are various products depending on utilization.
Safety Public Addres System PROPA-250VN
- It is for fixed installation, and its body is the same as the 250V model.
- Power: 24VDC/100 ~ 230VAC (selectable)
- Waterproof Case, Not Support microphone.
- All functions can be controlled by network or serial interface.
- Control Box is equipped with a circuit breaker and a surge protector.
Main Features of Acoustic Hailing Device
- Since it broadcasts with directivity and high power, it can transmit highly clear sounds to a long distant (1 ~ 3km).
- With maximum output above 142dB, it can get over the noise of the surrounding area and can provide large and clear communication and warning signals to the inside of vehicles, ships or buildings, overcoming the limitation of the existing broadcasting system (P.A. System).
- It is possible to broadcast using a sound source and a microphone.
PROPA-250V Installation Operation and Delivery Example